The Gann signal indicator is an indicator that is used for determining long term price actions. This indicator is developed by Robert Krauz. This indicator is a trend following indicator. It is used as a financial instrument. It shows the up and downtrends in the market price and market trends. This indicator draws buys and sells signals on the in the Gann chart pattern.
Details of Gann signal indicator
Gann signal indicator divides the price and time into different parts to predict the areas of support and resistance level. In this indicator price actions move in different angles, these angles rotate when the price action changes reversely. When the price angles break down the price moves toward a new angle. Different price angles make a gann signal.
The Gann signal indicator is an indicator that gives buy and sell signals in an arrow based Gann chart. It means that this indicator is also used for indicating buy and sells rates of the market trend. This indicator can be used for detecting changings in the market trend. It also tells about whether the price is moving up or down.
It also tells whether the price is trending in a bullish trend or bearish trend. For good result in price movements, you can use the following indicators with this indicator. Moving average indicator and Bollinger band indicator can be used with this indicator for a precise result. When you are trending upward, just focus on the green signals and ignore the red signals and when the price is trending downward then just focus on the red signals and ignore the green signals.
This indicator has following rules for buy entry and buys exit. The rules are given below:
The rules for buy entry are given below:
- When the green signal appears in the indicator and the signals are in an uptrend and that time is best for a buy entry.
- When the market trend signals start moving downward, and the signals are above the specific pip or level, then it is the time to hit the buy.
Stop loss: when the green signals are above the specific pip then it is the time to stop loss.
- When the green signals start moving downward and it goes below the pip or level, then it is the time to exit for buy.
TAKE PROFIT: when the green candlestick pattern starts moving down to the specific pip, then it is the time to take profit.
The rules for sell entry are given below:
- When the red signal appears in the indicator and the signals are in a downtrend , and that time is best for sell entry.
- When the market trend signals start moving upward, and the signals are below the specific pip or level, then it is the time to hit the sell option.
Stop loss: when the red signals are below the specific pip, then it is the time to stop loss.
- When the red signals start moving upward, and it goes above the pip or level, then it is the time to exit for sell.
TAKE PROFIT: when the red candlestick pattern starts moving upward to the specific pip, then it is the time to take profit.
USES of Gann signal indicator:
The Gann signal indicator has too many uses because it is the most advanced and modified indicator. This indicator has the most advanced features that can detect the changings in the market trend, market price and many other things.
Gann signal indicator gives the precise result of everything. It Is one of the best signal indicators because it creates precise signals with the help of Bollinger bands indicator and moving average indicator. These indicators help this indicator to give a precise measurement, and by the usage of this information, you can earn healthy profits by this indicator.
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