January 20, 2025

Trade Dynamic Index (TDI) Indicator Meta trader Free Download

Trade Dynamic Index (TDI) Indicator

Trade Dynamic Index (TDI) Indicator

The Trade Dynamic Index or TDI for metaTrader4 simple is a useful trading indicator and most recently popular. It is very suitable for scalping strategies and sometime called as a hybrid indicator because it made of the comparative (strength index, moving averages and volatility bands).

Trade Dynamic Index (TDI) Indicator

It eliminate the need of using multiple indicators for analyzing market because is alone enough to provide whole market specification in given timeframe. It was developed to show complete market dimensions direction of trend, strength, uncertainty, price movements. Traders Dynamic Index basically provide all information. You can easily trade this because this indicator informs all about conditions.

Characteristics of Traders Dynamic Index indicator

  • It allows more customization option then other indicators.
  • Its uniqueness is it allows options of visual and audio head-ups.
  • TDI also provide a sub window option.
  • It has short, medium time frames but it is developed for smaller timeframe use. Like 5-15 minutes. But can be used for day trading or swing trade.
  • It identify market trends and their time also indicate price movement
  • TDI use three indicators which is its plus point which helps to predict market trend their start and end, highs and lows of vitality and moves of bands.
  • If you combine TDI with RSI it can be best emerging strategy to earn profit and minimize risk of uncertainty.
  • TDI comes into the picture, giving the trader a broad view of the markets.

Benefits of using three indicators.

  • Provide complete market picture
  • Less uncertainty
  • Low risk high profit
  • Complete market information.
  • Predict trends life and price change.

Signals of Traders Dynamic Index indicator

Price increase:  when the trend enters in a market and green line cuts yellow line and move up also both red and yellow line move upward from bottom line, it is a signal. Price is relatively going up make a profit.

Price decrease: when the green line cuts yellow line and start to falling down and lines are also falling downward it is downward trend and prices will fall.

Configuration used in Traders Dynamic Index indicator

  1. RSI Period: The default setting is set to 13.
  2. RSI price: set to close
  3. Volatility Band: Default 36
  4. StdDev: set default setting 1.618
  5. RSI_Price_Line: default setting is 2
  6. UseAlerts: set to false etc

 Traders Dynamic Index is not easy to use, but you will get familiar to it by following:

  • For scalping, cross the thresholdlong run time when the green line is above the red line and enter short run time when the red line is the above green line.
  • For short-term trading, cross the thresholdlong run time when the green is above both the red and the yellow lines; enter short run time when the red one is above both the green and the yellow.
  • For medium term time, go long run time is same as for the short term trading but only when all lines are below 50; to go short run the same but if above 50.

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